“It is bringing back wonderful childhood memories from when I was a child and had chicks “
“This is better than watching TV, it is so therapeutic”
“Just wonderful to have chicks at Easter time they are delightful”
“What beautiful chicks so funny to watch”
Lennox House Care Home in Trinity welcomed new members to the family last week when 6 chicken eggs hatched in our activities room. Living Eggs, a local company, provides everything residents need to care for the chicks, providing the eggs, an incubator set at a specific temperature with water underneath, and a brooder box.
Once delivered, the eggs started to hatch out within two to three days. The newborns stay in the incubator for up to 24 hours until they fluff up and are stable, and are then transferred into the brooder box with a heat light, food and water. They get their bedding changed daily with wood shavings and their food is filled up twice a day.
Lesley, our Activities Coordinator, has been ensuring the chicks are comfortable and happy. After 12 days they would normally be collected by Living Eggs who takes them to a local free range farm. However, this year Lesley’s friend has offered to keep them. They cannot go outside until they are six weeks old so they have to stay warm and inside until then.
Our residents have been coming in several times throughout the day to watch them play and grow. Lesley says: “The chicks are such a delight to have at any-time of the year but especially at Easter time. I am going to go around the rooms today with a few of the chicks to show the residents who have not managed to come down to see them, I did this last year and it brought so much joy and laughter into their life. We got 3 girls and 3 boys this year.”